Anything Goes 12/26/24

It's the day after Christmas and I have so much to do I don't know where to start, a familiar feeling since I started down the authorship road. I am determined that things are going to change, starting now.

I have many interests, and really need to clone myself so I can get to them all. Alas, that is not going to happen. Therefore, I need to learn the art of prioritizing. I am too old to waste time if I'm going to pack in as much as I'd like in the years, months, weeks, days, hours I have left.

Family comes first, of course. Family isn't always the one we're born into. Sometimes it's the one we create. Pets. Our dog (we're down to one. They're aging out just like us) needs to be walked first thing in the morning so that's how I start my day since I'm the early riser.

Then my work, because I love to tell stories and I love the business of writing. After that my art and gardens. They relax me and refill my creative well.

That was easy. Family, writing, art. Here's a piece I made for a friend. Wool appliqué wall hanging for her then-new house. Crows play a role in her life.


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