Smart Quote of the Day

A person who never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

If you are afraid to go out on a limb and try something new because you don't know if it will work and you don't want to be wrong–because you don't want to make a mistake–I'm telling you, Don't Be That Person. We learn more from what goes wrong than we ever do from what goes right.

What's the worst that can happen? So you goof up. Maybe your ego gets a little dented. Maybe you have to try again. Big deal. Are you afraid of someone making fun of you? Then you definitely don't need that person in your life. (And if you absolutely feel that you DO need them in your life, call them on their behavior. Tell them you don't appreciate it when they make fun when you are trying to learn something new.) 

I have racked up the mistakes over the decades, and while some might have been somewhat painful (never trust a mean girl), I survived. I'm a better person, and my life is better, for the risks I took. Surviving mistakes makes us stronger, builds our confidence. Win-win!

Mistakes are how we grow. How we evolve into wise oldsters. Embrace them! Never let the fear of failure hold you back from something you want.

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