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Danger lurks everywhere in the galaxy.

Rita King, owner and commander of the Junkyard Dog, decides to visit New Earth to give her friends some much needed rest and relaxation. 

Fashioned after the historic amusement parks of Old Earth, New Earth welcomes visitors from all across the galaxy. Visitors are prime marks for the park’s gang of abandoned children. Children with nowhere to go and only one way to survive.

Rita and her crew face an unexpected and deadly foe when they are taken on a wild and unexpected ride beneath the glitter of the galaxy’s greatest amusement park.



110 Pages




5 x 0.28 x 8 inches


Timberdoodle Press


November 5, 2017



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Chapter 1

The Junkyard Dog and her passengers had taken a leisurely two weeks to reach their next destination. Two necessary and productive weeks, thought Margarita King, commander of the Dog, as she looked around the table at her companions.

Lexa, the tiny blue Weegan who had been nearly crushed to death by the sand creatures on Myam, had bounced back with the resiliency of youth. She ate, smiled, and chattered in her usual manner, the horror of being buried alive a distant and faint memory now.

The slim and elegant Yani, ebony-skinned, emerald eyed, mild-mannered and polite to the point of erasing her own personality, had begun to toughen up. The experience of nearly losing her dearest friend had left its mark on the translator’s perfect demeanor in a positive way. She no longer held back her feelings and thoughts to the extent she had prior to Myam.

The newest addition to the Dog’s odd crew had probably benefitted from the slow journey the most, however. Three years of living in a society of four foot tall Zetok’s had taken its toll on the body of the six-four healer who sat next to her, robbing him of muscle and mass.
She noted with satisfaction that regular meals and workouts in the ship’s small holo room, a room Rita had had no use for until recently, had filled out the healer’s emaciated frame.

The healer’s copper-colored skin had lost its gray tinge and his silver-gray eyes were clear and content. He had proven to be an intelligent and pleasant companion for the three females. And it never hurt to have a medic handy.

Darwin, her telepathic shadow-creature who looked like a cross between a lion and a dog with two tails, accepted and liked the healer. That was recommendation enough for Rita. It had been a good decision to take on the stranded medic.
Rita noticed Yani and Lexa both staring at her expectantly.


“You’re thinking,” Lexa said. “I can see it on your face.”

Rita smiled. She appreciated Lexa’s outspoken honesty. After years of dealing with the conniving, back-stabbing bastards from the Red Barons who had sent her out to die, she found Lexa a refreshing change.

“Yes. I was thinking. I do that now and then you know.”

“Care to share?” Yani asked.

Rita shrugged one strong shoulder. Healer wasn’t the only one who had taken advantage of the time to heal and work out during the last two weeks. All of them had been working on self-defense techniques and strength training.

“”We’ll arrive at New Earth tomorrow,” she answered. “I was thinking that you will all enjoy the visit.”

“What’s on New Earth?” Lexa shoveled a sporkful of her latest favorite food, veggiepie, into her mouth, her large amber eyes fixed on Rita’s face.

Lexa loved strange new places, although some of the ones they’d visited recently had been less than pleasant. She thought of the sand creatures on Myam and suppressed a shudder. She didn’t want Rita to know she still had bad dreams about them.

“New Earth is an entertainment colony,” Rita answered, “designed after the ancient amusement parks on Old Earth.”

“What’s an amusement park?” Lexa stopped eating, her eyes bright with curiosity.

“Amusement parks on Old Earth were places where people gathered to play and have fun in all sorts of different ways. From the history I’ve read the parks mostly had an assortment of rides and games to play with prizes to win. And food stands not unlike the ones on ZetiTau.”

Lexa grinned. “I like to eat,” she said around a mouthful of pie.

“We hadn’t noticed,” Rita said dryly. The Weegan’s metabolism ran hot and needed plenty of fuel to keep it revved. Lexa might be half Rita or the healer’s size, but she consumed as much food as they did, if not more.

Rita ate another sporkful of pie and complimented Yani, who had taken on meal prep as her contribution to the daily running of the ship.

“So New Earth is a playground for travelers. Interesting. I’ve never seen an amusement park.” Healer pushed back his plate and politely wiped his mouth. “I wonder if I’ll find it amusing.”

“You’ll know soon enough. Let’s finish up here, get the Dog set for a warp leap, and go.” Rita pushed away from the table, placed her dishes in the auto-cleaner and settled into her helm seat. The gel seat accepted her body and curled around her backside like a warm, comfortable palm.

Other than Lexa, who had left a large family on the planet Weegan, the Junkyard Dog had become the only home the group had. It made a comfortable home, and all Rita needed. She hoped the others felt as content.

The Dog’s stylish interior, copied from the ancient sailing vessels of Old Earth, was unlike any other ship in the Baron’s fleet. Living in the Dog was like living in a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle: no wasted space, and everything fit together in a way that told her the designer had put a great deal of thought into the ship. She appreciated any kind of artisanship that combined form with function.

No other Red Baron wanted to be assigned to the prototype ship—they preferred the harsh lines and sterile metal of the other ships in the fleet—and so the one-of-a-kind Dog became Rita’s by default. When she had survived the attempt on her life she had kept the ship.

The others finished their meal and made everything secure, then took to their assigned seats. Rita preferred to have them make the longer warp leaps secured in their bunks, but they liked to be with her for the shorter leaps.

“Healer, we’ll need Time-Eze for twenty minutes, no longer.” The healer set about working out the proper dosage for each body and loaded five pressure syringes.

“All set.”

The Time-Eze minimized the adverse effects that moving through the space/time field had on travelers. It slowed the aging process and kept their bones from becoming brittle.

“I’ll dose myself. Give Yani, Darwin, and Lexa theirs, then strap in and do yourself.” She took her dose from the healer, set it on the console in front of her, and finished inputting the settings for the leap to New Earth. “Everyone set?”

“They’re already under,” Healer replied. He strapped into his seat, applied the pressure syringe to his arm and closed his eyes.

“All right then. New Earth here we come,” Rita muttered as she finished setting the small delay for the leap, dosed herself, and closed her eyes. What adventure awaited them there? The Junkyard Dog had yet to visit a place without running into some sort of trouble.

As she slipped under she sent up a fervent prayer that their visit to New Earth would be trouble free.

And knew that she was wasting her breath.

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